It has rained about twice - feebly at that - in 4 weeks which must be a sign of some sort and we've been treated to some great sunsets...the ground is frozen solid so we have to wait for a garden but the view helps.
The final air test pleased everyone - at .365 and we're able to monitor what is happening inside the house. The clear weather means we're generating a good amount of electricity for March/April so I'm learning to put machines on during the day...not always good at remembering that!
Best of all is the much so I have to remind myself to put on double what I think I need to go outside. And the animals finally have some space to move around without being on top of each other. My lovely flat has been painted and sanded and scrubbed and is let to a very nice couple...and we can just see it from here! And the caravan is in great hands waiting to have a log burner installed last I heard...
I'm just looking forward to a summer (and, hopefully, continued sun but that might be too much to ask for) here in our home at last with room for people to come from far and wide to stay.
A post of thank you's to come but for now here's some pics: